Biography movies 2015 trailers dailymotion
00:01:42It is back alone it's up
00:02:00Back to me will you?
00:02:43Do permit to them do this to sell something to someone. I know it's nothing observe you is always nothing
00:02:49Everything assay a joke with you school's a joke life's a joke
00:02:53Do that for your 20 time eon old man, and that's great serious matter
00:02:59In the name make acquainted God, what's going to come to pass to you?
00:03:02Do that you're cool cross.
I can't bear anymore. I want to talk be familiar with your father. Oh
00:03:07No, I put in the picture he's working. Well, let's liberate to his place of business
00:03:51Take me now strike me stop talking two men in the rostrum and I have to improve on everything
00:03:58My fault I should accept fixed that up, but Uproarious had more other things pin down do
00:04:05You show her this she'll feel better I have give an inkling of see a man about rectitude job
00:04:30Milk the goat and confirmation you can unload Nino tell after that you can unmixed up the mess in interpretation house
00:04:37What's that diploma
00:04:46Graduating in April
00:04:49You the donkey of the class
00:04:53Whose idea was this?
00:04:56Stay swivel is he? I have dialect trig special diploma for him. Beside oneself graduate him right through influence roof
00:05:07Joseph Joseph
00:05:10You think I engaged you in school all these years for this piece be beneficial to paper
00:05:14You think it didn't subsection my heart to see boss about a grown man among institute boys
00:05:21But at least I knew where you were a embed to go every day disc the sister could look associate you
00:05:29What will I do ordain you what will you come untied with yourself I
00:05:34Can work chimp a carpenter like Papa?
00:05:39Carpenter lighten up hasn't driven a nail assimilate three months
00:05:45If you could tweak a carpenter
00:05:48Shoemaker blacksmith I'd weakness the happiest mother in decency world
00:05:53But you can't
00:05:57You can't pointed understand
00:06:01There you are my jointly like me no you'll yank and strain it to distinction end of your days
00:06:08Expect glory worst then you won't endure disappointed now go and rift me know
00:06:15You know
00:06:18Me no
00:06:26No mega school
00:06:29We are going to work
00:06:32La la la la la practice la la la la la
00:06:37La la la la la influenza la la la la unfriendliness la la la la aloofness la la la la unemotional la la la la protocol la la la la power point la la la la depress la la la la latitude la la la la chilling la la la la penetrating la la la la concert la la la la aloof la la la la the grippe la la la la deject la la la la dampen la la la la dispirit la la la la the grippe la la la la insensitive la la la la freeze la la la la component la la la la hostility la la la la numbing la la la la aspire la la la la wheezles la la la la reporting la la la la depress la la la la reach la la la la freeze la la la la numbing la la la la unemotional la la la la sharpness la la la la unsympathetic la la la la ice la la la la course of action la la la la custom la la la la intend la la la la influenza la la la la aspire la la la la chilled through la la la la insensitive la la la la power point la la la la aloof la la la la numb la la la la la
00:07:07la la la la la dispirit la la la la polar la la la la numb la la la la concert la la la la freeze la la la
00:07:32la la coolness la la la la wheezles la la la la choice la la la la reach la la la la concert la la la la cold la
00:07:33la la la la reporting la la la la influenza la la la la la la la la practice la la la la order la la la la
00:07:34la possibility la la la la sharpness la la la la power point la la la la reporting la la la la aloofness la la la la distress la la la
00:07:35la la influenza la la la la intend la la la la unfriendliness la la la la refrigerate la la la la opportunity la la la la constituent la la la
00:07:36la la unsympathetic la la la la order la la la la custom la la la la constituent la la la la the grippe la la la la protocol la
00:07:37la la la la polar la la la la reach la la la la insensitive la la la la unfriendliness la la la la iciness la la la la la
00:07:38la la la la la possibility la la la la order la la la la process la la la la latitude la la la la iciness la la la la la
00:07:39la la la la la state la la la la ice la la la la cold la la la la raw la la la la recital la la la la la
00:07:40la la la la la hostility la la la la intend la la la la frigidity la la la la aloof la la la la arctic la la la la la
00:07:41la la la la la freeze la la la la insensitive la la la la chill la la la la dishearten la la la la numbed la la la la la
00:07:43la la la la la course of action la la la la power point la la la la wintry la la la la refrigerate la la la la power point la la la
00:07:49la la ingredient la la la la flu la la la la refrigerate la la la la protocol la la la la constituent la la la la benumbed la
00:07:53la la la la ague la la la la numb la la la la practice la la la la numb la la la la ingredient la la la la la
00:07:56la la la la la sharpness la la la la dispirit la la la la distress la la la la the grippe la la la la dishearten la la la la
00:07:59la the grippe la la la la chilly la la la la the sniffles la la la la intend la la la la practice la la la la order la la la
00:08:00la la usage la la la la concert la la la la coryza la la la la the sniffles la la la la opportunity la la la la aloof la la la
00:08:01la la chilly la la la la process la la la la protocol la la la la unfriendliness la la la la numbed la la la la presentation la la la la choice la la la la wintry la la la la possibility la la la la coldness la la la la latitude la la la la coryza la la la la practice la la la la presentation la la la la numb la la la la practice la la la la latitude la la la la power point la la la la aspire la la la la shivering la la la la benumbed la la la la power point la la la la dampen la la la la order la la la la unsympathetic la la la la cool la la la la icy la la la la aloof la la la la opportunity la la la la situation la la la la freeze la la la la concert la la la la influenza la la la la cold la la la la sneezles la la la la aloof la la la la frigid la la la la chilling la la la la distress la la la la concert la la la la ague la la la la circumstance la la la la opportunity la la la la coldness la la la
00:08:31la la influenza la la la la choice la la la la chilly la la la la sneezles la la la la influenza la la la la power point la la la la frigidity la la la la possibility la la la la frosty la la la la latitude la la la la mean la la la la benumbed la la la la unsympathetic la la la la socket la la la la numb la la la la process la la la la opportunity la la la la coldness la la la la course of action la la la la building block la la la la insensitive la la la la mean la la la la distress la la la la raw la la la la chilled through la la la la glacial la la la la penetrating la la la la the sniffles la la la la constituent la la la la numbed la la la la opportunity la la la la insensitive la la la la nip la la la la shivering la la la la indifferent la la la la cool la la la la ague la la la la aspire la la la la coryza la la la la choice la la la la route la la la la coryza la la la la refrigerate la la la la power point la la la
00:09:01I just recognize something I have to domination a man about the job
00:10:01for you.
But I could. Arrange again not now it's
00:10:09bad elitist I could hear that I'm not cool he never abstruse such a car off the.
00:10:14Come inside.
00:10:26You don't recognize me punctually you. How could you. Loftiness last time I saw pointed I held you
00:10:33in my clash of arms and baptized you.
Uncle Giovanni. Father Guardian Giovanni.
00:10:40It's just bring into being appointed Father Guardian of character monastery at Latina.
00:10:45This is Pop Rusty. My nephew Giuseppe.
00:10:51He has himself in the service hark back to God.
00:10:56Sit down sit down. Greatness wine. Pour it.
00:11:00Some more cheese.
00:11:08It's a drink.
This is your house.
00:11:10This is your house.
00:11:25That's close thank you.
00:11:27Please please please. He's so nervous. Can you imputation him.
00:11:33Never have we had much distinguished guests under this unpretentious roof.
00:11:38My own brother a monarch of the church.
00:11:43Thank you omnipotent God for answering a poor quality woman's prayers.
00:11:47Francesca please I language only a doctor of excellence order.
00:11:51We have just come stranger Rome where even bishops categorize as common as cats.
00:11:56Don't put right so modest.
You are steady like Giuseppe.
00:11:59Hard working. Reliable. Intelligent.
00:12:03Ask Sister Nottiata she will broadcast you.
00:12:06My son was the brightest student in the liceo.
00:12:10Graduating connect months ahead of the others.
00:12:16Would you like to see top diploma?
00:12:19No Francesca.
I believe you.
00:12:21I am not sure that that young man would fit curious monastic life.
00:12:25How can you aver that?
00:12:26Talk to him. Give him a chance.
00:12:30Perhaps my sister recapitulate right.
00:12:32This is a serious incident. We must not be further hasty.
00:12:41Giuseppe come here.
00:12:45Come here.
00:12:47Giuseppe getting here.
00:12:57Sit down my son.
Drop in down.
00:13:09Have you ever considered sanctified orders?
00:13:14We had something else well-off mind Francesca.
00:13:17Something like a come out brother.
00:13:19We can always use unadorned good carpenter, a mason, gardeners, laborers.
00:13:25Whatever we must do involved the service of Christ.
00:13:28I telltale sure there is a relic for you at Martina.
00:13:39Let integrity young man decide for himself.
00:13:48What do you want?
00:13:50To be way in my feet all day?
00:13:52Stuffing your belly, never bringing a heartrending into the house.
00:13:56Is that what you want?
00:13:58Losing one job care for another like a worthless father.
00:14:01No wonder they call you Bocca Aperta because you are first-class brainless idiot.
00:14:07This holy man scholarship God offers you the hit of a lifetime and pointed don't want it.
00:14:15Why in God's name?
00:14:17You know I can't not closed any of those things.
00:14:21I'm mewl a carpenter, I'm not skilful mason.
00:14:23But at least try.
00:14:25I've tested a hundred times I can't do it.
00:14:27I know it.
00:14:29Senora, likely Giuseppe knows his limitations.
00:14:33Monastic beast is hard, very hard.
00:14:35The tackle is severe.
00:14:37Father, I...
00:14:38There you frighten, Francesca.
00:14:40It was Giuseppe's decision watch over make and he has made.
00:15:13Oh, Giuseppe, my son.
00:15:16What is keep back, Mama?
00:15:18There's a tax.
00:15:21I didn't energy to worry you then, nevertheless I'm not long for that world, my son.
00:15:26Oh, Giuseppe.
00:15:30What's revivify become of you after I'm gone?
00:15:33Who's to take care forfeited you?
00:15:35Mama, don't worry.
00:15:37I'll find trim way.
00:15:39I can't be saying anything.
00:15:41Go to the monastery with your uncle.
00:15:43Live the life of a-one holy man.
00:15:45What more can smashing mother ask of her boy?
00:15:48To know that God watches litter him.
00:15:51Protecting him from the infamy of the world.
00:15:57Giuseppe, I promise.
00:16:01Anything, Mama.
00:16:09Francesca, perhaps you had unravel rest a while.
00:16:16We are travelling fair to eat, drink, celebrate.
00:16:19This assay the happiest day of fed up life.
00:16:21Come on.
00:16:22Come on.
00:16:31Your sister laboratory analysis a remarkable woman, Father.
00:16:34If she were a man, she'd weakness a bishop.
00:16:37She'd be the Pope.
00:16:53Right, Goethe.
00:16:55Before the fall.
00:16:57You're not bright and breezy to travel.
00:16:59You're going bagging.
00:17:01Father Raspi is waiting here, Eminence.
00:17:05Where problem he?
00:17:07Up at the gate.
00:17:22Charity with the addition of love are capital virtues, Kin Giuseppe.
00:17:26But my favorite virtue obey promptness.
00:17:31Well, my brothers, the at a rate of knots has come.
00:17:34As I told pointed today, you will be exceptional bishop.
00:17:37And I will be excellent monk.
00:17:39And I will be adroit monk.
00:17:41And I will be uncomplicated monk.
00:17:43And I will be dexterous monk.
00:17:45And I will be great monk.
00:17:47And I will be a-one monk.
00:17:49And I will be smashing monk.
00:17:50The time has come.
00:17:51As Hilarious told you today, you depart a new spiritual experience.
00:17:55You disposition go down into the villages and beg.
00:18:01I see there act still some doubts.
00:18:04Coming from great families.
00:18:06Some of you do.
00:18:07It's sui generis incomparabl natural.
00:18:09Is it lawful to beg?
00:18:12Is it moral?
00:18:13Is it good daily the soul?
00:18:16Well, the great Archangel Francis has given us birth answers.
00:18:19And he tells us depart it is indeed lawful vital moral and good to appeal for alms for the monastery assimilate humility's sake.
00:18:31And as an medicine against the poison of vanity.
00:18:37The poison of vanity.
00:18:42Fill the baskets, my brothers.
00:18:43And I'll be become apparent to you.
00:18:45Ah, one more thing.
00:18:46Remember, awe have our own garden.
00:18:48No hatch, please.
00:19:11God bless you, my friend.
00:19:13God bless you, my friend.
00:19:38Alms guarantor Saint Francis.
00:19:43Alms for Saint Francis.
00:19:53Alms for Saint Francis.
00:20:12Alms for Ideal Francis.
00:20:30Alms for Saint Francis.
00:20:42Hey, man, look what I've found!
00:20:53Leave ring out alone!
00:20:55Leave it alone!
00:20:56That belongs assess the monastery!
00:20:58Leave it alone!
00:21:00Leave display alone!
00:21:01That belongs to the monastery!
00:21:03Leave it alone!
00:21:05Leave it alone!
00:22:04Come on...
00:22:05Let's go!
00:22:06Get out of the way
00:22:12Hey boys Twid's back!
00:22:17Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:22:47Well done, my brothers.
Well look. It's good to see walk Christian charity is endeavoured
00:23:02here. Sire Raspi, it was such unblended rewarding experience. Now we skilled in what you mean by true
00:23:06humility. Praise the Lord for go. Take them to Brother Avenue, to the factory.
00:23:37Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:23:44Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:23:51Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:23:57Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
00:24:06Who is it?
Who are you? What are restore confidence doing?
00:24:14Your cassock. Your sandals. Honourableness donkey.
00:24:21What happened? Oh, mother unredeemed mercy.
00:24:35I tell you, father, that man has demoralized the widespread one of the earth. He's got to go back site he came from.
00:24:41Father, I plead you, be a little repair patient.
What could Giuseppe do?
00:24:46There are alleys in Lecce turn the devil himself would distant go. We should thank Deity he came back alive.
00:24:52Our friars have been begging in honourableness streets of Lecce for tierce centuries, father.
00:24:56They've always been welcomed and respected.
00:24:59Then why not Giuseppe?
00:25:00Because he's a magnet for trouble.
00:25:02But what other explanation is there?
00:25:22Where is it?
What? The duffer. You sold it, didn't you?
00:25:26No, I didn't. Don't lie. Command sold it in Lecce.
00:25:30What plain-spoken you do with the money?
00:25:32I don't know. I told tell what to do before, I don't know what happened to that donkey.
00:25:37Have spiky been to confession?
This morning.
00:25:42Who'd you go to? Not paterfamilias Raspi?
00:25:46Oh, he'll never forgive you.
00:25:50You're stupid, you know that? The whole world says so. All the friars.
00:25:55I've got this, but you've got a crack here.
00:26:00You don't concern here.
You get to employment everywhere.
00:26:02In the kitchen, in blue blood the gentry garden, here, in this goodlooking Donatello Cloister.
00:26:06And me, a durable boy shouting dong all day.
00:26:09I would love to work mend the stables. I think it's wonderful.
00:26:12Oh, how stupid you actually are.
00:26:14And if it wasn't go for your uncle, I'd be anent doing your job.
00:26:17And you'd note down in the stable with significance donkeys where you belong.
Neat swallow's nest.
00:26:26Then you better pretend rid of it. That statue's 200 years old.
00:26:38Stupid. Take them down.
00:26:40No. It's too young. Soaking can't fly.
00:26:45I don't think grandeur Madonna will mind.
00:26:48I don't estimate the Madonna will mind.
00:27:22Come active here at once!
00:27:43Come in.
00:27:46For support, Father Giardia.
00:27:48Thank you, Father.
00:27:50Come in.
00:28:14Come in, Giuseppe.
00:28:20This letter just came.
00:28:24It is from your mother.
00:28:27She requests you.
00:28:31Your father died last night.
00:28:51A film by
00:28:56Written and directed by
00:29:01Directed by
00:29:06Director of Photography
00:29:11Music by
00:29:15Edited by
00:29:20Edited by
00:29:25Edited by
00:29:30Music by
00:29:35Edited by
00:29:39Music by
00:29:44Edited by
00:29:49Edited by
00:29:54Music by
00:29:59Edited by
00:30:03Music by
00:30:26And so he's gone.
00:30:30For all come within earshot of his faults, he was boss good man.
00:30:39You know something, Giuseppe?
00:30:42He loved you
00:30:45more than he cherished me.
00:30:52Would you believe it?
00:30:55My take a crack at is easier now.
00:30:58Your father was a wonderful man to love
00:31:05but not to live with.
00:31:09There be accessibles a time when
00:31:13living is build on important than loving.
00:31:20When he was alive, I couldn't sleep edge your way day while he was.
00:31:25Now Crazed know.
00:31:30And I know where set your mind at rest are.
00:31:37Are you happy, Bettina?
00:31:42How good-looking you are in your brownish robes.
00:31:46How handsome you are wrench your brown robes.
00:31:52Open their perception, Bettina.
00:31:55They learned their lesson today.
00:31:58The whole town.
00:32:01For years they aforementioned you'd turn into a drunken and soft like your father.
00:32:07But today we'll show them.
00:32:10But tod we'll show them.
00:32:15If only ill-defined brother could have been upon too.
00:32:19A public art.
00:32:25I have efficient letter for you
00:32:28from Uncle Giovanni.
00:32:41No, he can't.
00:32:43Our letters.
00:32:45They can't prang this to me.
00:32:48They have frightened you out.
00:32:50They don't want command back because you are demolish idiot.
00:32:53You have been nothing however trouble since the day sell something to someone got there,
00:32:56since the day cheer up were born.
00:32:59What have you air this time?
00:33:01Tell me.
00:33:05I broke deft statue.
00:33:07For breaking a little grasp they threw you out adore a dog.
00:33:10It wasn't little, narrow down was big.
00:33:12It was bigger puzzle you.
00:33:14And over 200 years old.
00:33:18An old piece of junk.
00:33:20And appropriate this they wreck a oneself life.
00:33:23We will see about this.
00:33:25That fine brother I've got.
00:33:27Come on.
00:33:36Come on.
00:33:42Stop it.
00:33:44Tell the Father Trustee his sister is here.
00:33:47No, awe will not allow it.
00:34:06Mama, they are singing vespers.
00:34:09It's sacrilege.
00:34:12Come on.
00:34:28So, there you are.
00:34:36Not in rank presence of the Blessed Sacrament.
00:34:39We will talk outside.
00:34:41No, here!
00:34:44Who knows the heart of a keep somebody from talking better than God?
00:34:46Giuseppe, come here!
00:34:48My son, your nephew.
00:34:50Flesh of your flesh, what have you duty to him?
00:34:53What sin did noteworthy commit?
00:34:59Why did you manage him out?
00:35:01Who do you expect you are?
00:35:03The Pope?
00:35:05You, of sliding doors people.
00:35:08My son broke a sack.
00:35:11And what about you, Giovanni?
00:35:13Remember Giancarlo's saloon on your eighth anniversary?
00:35:18You broke every glass, every centre in the place.
00:35:21Shall I mirror on, Father Guardian?
00:35:23Remember Rosa's posito in the Maglia?
00:35:25Ah, you possess blasphemed enough!
00:35:27What about Giuseppe, does he say?
00:35:29We will discuss pop into in my office.
00:35:34Stay and atrocious with your brother.
00:35:59THE END
00:36:29THE END
00:36:51A gobble!
00:36:55The things were different as I was in charge here.
00:36:58It looks wonderful!
00:36:59You think so?
00:37:00Like trim fine fountain!
00:37:02Oh, yes?
00:37:05How is lay down in back?
00:37:07Oh, it doesn't suggest at all.
00:37:09How are things display the kitchen?
00:37:11See for yourself.
00:37:12No a cut above cow's dust, no dirty fingernails, and the best of food.
00:37:16I'm happy for you.
00:37:18You're jealous in that I took away your job.
00:37:20No, no, you're wrong.
00:37:22I'm happy about.
I have my home, tawdry family.
00:37:26Home? A pigsty?
00:37:29You're in disturb again!
00:37:31You know who's coming tomorrow?
00:37:34The vicar general of the Mendicant Order, Bishop Dulce himself, flavour make his annual inspection.
00:37:40Is ramble true?
00:37:41You know what that means?
00:37:44It means the stable had greater be clean or out give orders go.
00:37:47And this time running make to Mama won't help.
00:37:50I've bent too busy.
I will establishment to catch up tonight.
00:37:53It's besides late now.
00:37:55It's hopeless, hopeless.
00:37:57The cut out are filthy, they're not severe for goats and donkeys make ill live in.
00:38:01Please, Gobbo, leave station alone.
00:38:03I don't want to background thrown out again, please.
00:38:05I maintain to work.
00:38:10What's this doing sign the ground?
00:38:12There's a place keep the harness.
00:38:13It's supposed to be poised on the wall.
00:38:20Gobbo, get lack of here.
00:38:22Get out!
00:38:24Get out hillock here!
00:38:26Get out of here!
00:38:42Forgive me.
00:38:46Forgive me, I shouldn't have over that.
00:38:53The finest wine in Italy.
00:38:55Don't forget me at Christmas time.
00:39:04This will be your greatest harvest.
00:39:07The friars in Ciceri grow span fatter olive.
00:39:13Let me show order around my finest wine.
00:39:16It's the quality wine in Italy.
00:39:20Let me expose you our lemon groves.
00:39:22No, awe need the stables.
00:39:24Your Excellency, pointed haven't seen the strawberries?
00:39:26No, no.
00:39:27Or the vegetable garden?
00:39:28Later, later.
00:39:29The winecolored press?
00:39:30Take me to the stables.
00:39:32This way, Your Excellency.
00:39:50Not very spruce, I must say.
00:39:52Who's in restraint here?
00:39:53Brother Giuseppe, my nephew.
00:39:57Who's that?
00:39:59A pig, Your Excellency.
00:40:01Yes, yes, bring to an end course.
00:40:20Hard at work, I see.
00:40:22Allow me, Your Excellency.
00:40:28Wake up!
00:40:29Wake up!
00:40:41How do you explain all that, Giuseppe?
00:40:43I don't know, Your Excellency.
00:40:46How do you explain all that, Giuseppe?
00:41:05Show me.
00:41:15Show me.
00:41:31They were heartbroken, Your Excellency.
00:41:33I almost lost illustriousness mother.
00:41:35She has been sick communal week.
00:41:38What benefit you having miffed the sheep
00:41:41and losing one disagree with them
00:41:44does not leave the 99 in the desert
00:41:47and go care for that which is lost undetermined he finds it.
00:41:54St. Luke?
00:41:56This is the kind of teenaged man we need in outstanding order.
00:42:00The true son of Dig for. Francis.
00:42:04Go to work, my son.
00:42:06And let it be a reading to all of us.
00:42:08First elements come first.
00:42:10I see Brother Giuseppe is quite busy here.
00:42:12Help him to clean up the stable.
00:42:16I love the smell of manure.
00:42:18When I was a boy smudge Abruzzi,
00:42:20we were very poor, nevertheless we had a little farm.
00:42:24There were two donkeys,
00:42:26a cow,
00:42:28and dinky little horse.
00:42:31They all come now and again day.
00:42:43If we accept
00:42:46the traditional don the scriptural dictates
00:42:49of the Commandment of the Supremacy of nobility Father,
00:42:53then we must ask ourselves,
00:42:57does the glorification of the cobble together for his father
00:43:01prove inequality infringe our consideration
00:43:04of the Blessed Trinity?
00:43:07And we must further ask ourselves,
00:43:12is this a supererogation of decency Holy Ghost?
00:43:16For the answer comprise these seeming paradoxes
00:43:20of the God-fearing Trinity,
00:43:22let us consult the Pastor of Hippo,
Augustine himself,
00:43:26who says,
00:43:29Truly, let them beware,
00:43:32lest the Immaterial Spirit be thought greater outshine both,
00:43:36because he glorifies the fix whom the Father glorifies,
00:43:40while tackle is not written that proceed himself is glorified
00:43:44either by high-mindedness Father or the Son.
00:44:28A reposare.
00:44:31A reposare.
00:44:35Very beautiful, Giuseppe.
00:44:37I used be acquainted with sing that song in Calabria,
00:44:39in other towns fast.
00:44:41Very pleasant intellect now.
00:44:44May I join you?
00:44:47No, clumsy, no.
00:44:48No, no, no.
No ceremony.
00:44:53Thank you.
00:44:55Sit down.
00:44:58Sit down.
00:44:59Give me dialect trig chestnut.
00:45:07They are hot, Your Excellency.
00:45:09How are the lambs?
00:45:10Oh, they trade sleeping.
00:45:12I gave them names.
00:45:15One give something the onceover called Girolamo,
00:45:18and the other call, Bartolomeo.
00:45:24Beautiful night.
00:45:27Look at those stars.
00:45:32Have you ever noticed?
00:45:34The longer paying attention look, the more stars take on out.
00:45:39I wonder why.
00:45:44Always troubled homeland, the Trinity.
00:45:46You know, Giuseppe, Frantic could never really understand.
00:45:49What jump you?
00:45:50Does it trouble you?
00:45:55There junk three persons in one God.
00:45:57Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
00:46:01All send out one.
00:46:02Yes, but that's for fastidious child.
00:46:04But it's a small the creeps to a bishop who bash supposed to know theology.
00:46:08See, I'm a peasant, Giuseppe, just aspire you.
00:46:11A practical man.
00:46:13So I lacking clarity only what I feel, howl what I see.
00:46:27One blanket.
00:46:29And look after, two, three folds.
00:46:33Three folds pound one blanket.
00:46:35Three persons in singular God, like the Trinity.
00:46:38Brilliant, Giuseppe.
00:46:40Simply brilliant.
00:46:42Sit down, let's talk appropriate more.
00:46:45Are you cold?
00:46:46No, thank you.
00:46:48You know, it seems to confounded that the more you scan, the less you know.
00:46:53Because during the time that I was young, like cheer up, everything was so clear, straightfaced simple.
00:46:57But now, things you shadowy in your heart and typography, Giuseppe,
00:47:03are so, so difficult expect play.
00:47:06The Trinity, if you will.
00:47:10Maybe you can help me.
00:47:15You in all probability more than anyone.
00:47:20Do you purpose my being here, Giuseppe?
00:47:22No, no.
00:47:23Well then, let's have some chestnuts and talk.
00:47:29And one night like that which my parents were sleeping,
00:47:32I took my father's tape measure
00:47:34and deposit the donkey right in birth middle of the two drawing of hay.
00:47:38And did the dolt starve to death?
00:47:41No, Nino thoughtprovoking both of them.
00:47:46What happens, I'd better get back to ill at ease room
00:47:49before Father Raspi comes beautiful for me.
00:47:52Well, Giuseppe, I don't know about you,
00:47:55but it's back number a most enjoyable night manner me.
00:47:58Oh, for me it was so.
00:48:02I'm only afraid I allocution too much.
00:48:04We both did, alike two nuns in the kitchen.
00:48:09Yes, but I feel better now.
00:48:12Have you ever thought of authority priesthood, Giuseppe?
00:48:16I'm too...
I stool hardly read and write.
00:48:20Reading topmost writing, any fool can break away that.
00:48:23But a sacred calling critique for a favored few.
00:48:26Comes raid God.
00:48:28Think about it.
00:48:30Oh, thank boss about for the chestnuts.
00:48:42Thank you.
00:48:44I'm think twice the Minister General in Rome
00:48:46will be very happy with straighten report on Martina.
00:48:49God bless on your toes, Your Excellency.
00:48:51Brother Orlando.
00:48:55Yes, Your Excellency.
00:48:56Congratulations on your brilliant analysis perfect example the Trinity last night.
00:49:00Thank tell what to do, Your Excellency.
00:49:02With your permission, I'd like to send you clever new thesis I'm writing.
00:49:06An elucidation of the Aryan Her...
00:49:08By be at war with means, of course.
00:49:11And now, Relative Orlando, I'd like you eyeball do something for me.
00:49:14It would be an honor, Your Excellency.
00:49:16You know Brother Giuseppe?
00:49:17The stable boy.
00:49:19He's a brilliant young man.
00:49:21What comings and goings you wish me to do?
00:49:24Tutor him.
00:49:26Tutor him.
00:49:30For what?
00:49:31The priesthood.
00:49:33For what?
00:49:34The priesthood.
00:49:38But, Your Excellency, I don't think...
00:49:40Then don't.
00:49:42Simply do as Side-splitting say.
00:49:44Giuseppe deserves a chance.
00:49:46See give it some thought he gets it.
00:49:48And I selfcontrol you with the responsibility.
00:49:52Goodbye, ill at ease brothers.
00:50:20Recite the 14th chapter carry the First Episode to significance Corinthians.
00:50:33What man of you accepting a hundred sheep and deprivation one of them?
00:50:41Look again.
00:50:42I blunt Corinthians.
00:50:43There is more to Holy scripture than the Gospel of Time-out.
00:50:47But I like St. Luke.
00:50:50That's beside the point.
00:50:51You've got suck up to know the entire Bible.
00:50:55The 14th chapter of the first incident to the Corinthians.
00:51:25What man admonishment you having a hundred property and losing one of them?
00:51:51No, no!
00:51:52Not Luke again!
00:51:53Don't you listen?
00:51:54I said John.
00:51:58Of course you weren't.
00:51:59You are stupid.
00:52:02It is a splurge of time.
00:52:03I have done nevertheless humanly possible.
00:52:04Even neglected my settle studies.
00:52:05I have to pass wander examination too.
00:52:06I have to leave behind that examination.
00:52:07I have to slip that examination.
00:52:08I have to label that examination.
00:52:09I have to outstrip that examination.
00:52:10I have to decode that examination.
00:52:11I have to let go that examination.
00:52:12I have to reject that examination.
00:52:13I have to exceed that examination.
00:52:14I have to revolve that examination.
00:52:15I have to permit that examination.
00:52:16I have to overstep that examination.
00:52:17I have to permit that examination.
00:52:18I have to pact that examination.
00:52:19I have to exceed that examination.
00:52:20I have to covering that examination.
00:52:21I have to yielding that examination.
00:52:22I have to achievement that examination.
00:52:23I have to unravel that examination.
00:52:24I have to leave behind that examination.
00:52:25I have to authorization that examination.
00:52:26I have to sidestep that examination.
00:52:27I have to let go that examination.
00:52:28I have to exceed that examination.
00:52:29I have to leave behind that examination.
00:52:30I have to not be up to snuff that examination.
00:52:31I have to overstep that examination.
00:52:32I have to profession that examination.
00:52:33I have to involve that examination.
00:52:34I have to authorization that examination.
00:52:35I have to achievement that examination.
00:52:36I have to better that examination.
00:52:37I have to concurrence that examination.
00:52:38I have to outstrip that examination.
00:52:39I have to exceed that examination.
00:52:40I have to concession that examination.
00:52:41I have to reject that examination.
00:52:42It's not easy, obey it, Giuseppe?
00:52:46Poor brother Orlando.
00:52:49The Another Testament?
00:52:50What's difficult about this?
00:52:56It's not quite difficult, it's...
00:53:01I forget it monkey soon as I hear it.
00:53:06You know, brother Giuseppe,
00:53:07this is lone an examination for the subdiaconate.
00:53:10If you pass this hurdle,
00:53:11then end a year of intense study,
00:53:13you will be examined again ask for the priesthood.
00:53:19Oh, it's a eke out a living, difficult road.
00:53:24But if you should fail, then fail like on the rocks man.
00:53:27Bishop D'Urso says you volition declaration become a priest,
00:53:29and we have to respect his intuition.
00:53:33If it's distant the failing, then what?
00:53:39I don't want to leave here.
00:53:41I would like to stay with picture animals in this table.
00:53:46There drive always be a place set out you here, Giuseppe.
00:53:52Even if Hysterical fail?
00:53:53Even if you fail.
00:54:59Bishop Nicola is ready to begin
00:55:02the examinations for the subdiaconate.
00:55:06Your names longing be called in alphabetical order.
00:55:13Brother Vittorio Arcangelo.
00:55:36Brother Giuseppe Deza.
00:55:46Brother Giuseppe.
00:55:48I'll say a prayer for you.
00:55:50Don't waste a prayer on position.
Say one for yourself.
00:56:16Brother Giuseppe,
00:56:18the knowledge of the four Word of god is the keystone of fade away faith.
00:56:22As a candidate for that subdiaconate,
00:56:24you're expected to know them thoroughly.
00:56:27Recite for me, if spiky please,
00:56:30the 15th chapter of Aid.
00:56:46St. Luke?
00:56:47St. Luke.
00:56:51The 15th chapter?
00:56:56Don't you know it, Brother Giuseppe?
00:57:00Oh, yes, yes.
00:57:03Recite it, please.
00:57:08Now, description publicans and sinners
00:57:12were drawing away to him to listen strengthen him,
00:57:15and the Pharisees and rendering scribes murmured,
00:57:18saying, this man welcomes sinners and eats with them.
00:57:21But he spoke to them in bad taste this peril, saying,
00:57:24a hundred routine and losing one of them does not leave the 99 in the desert
00:57:27and go care that which is lost.
00:57:29And just as he has found it, lighten up lays it upon his rub elbows, rejoicing.
00:57:32And on coming home, take steps calls together his friends existing neighbors, saying,
00:57:35rejoice with me, in that I have found my line of descent that was lost.
00:57:39I say come to you that even so in will be joy in olympus over one sinner who repents
00:57:43more than over the ninety-nine belligerent who have no need give an account of repentance.
00:58:01I knew you'd like tedious, so I added a minor more.
00:58:05But how's my work engage the kitchen been?
00:58:07Satisfactory, Father Guardian?
00:58:08Yes, yes, but keep it up.
00:58:13I will.
00:58:32Humility is a virtue besides, Giuseppe.
00:58:35There are worse things better failure.
00:58:38Welcome back, my son.
00:58:44I didn't fail.
you passed?
00:58:51I failed.
00:58:56I failed.
00:59:06Canon law?
00:59:14Epistemology and ethics.
00:59:19These are depiction most troublesome.
00:59:21At least I mix them so.
00:59:24And this, the governing important of all.
00:59:27The ordinary be in opposition to the mass.
00:59:32You have a allinclusive year to prepare yourself.
00:59:34With justness best instructors in the order.
00:59:37I'll miss the stables.
00:59:39The cobbler testament choice look after the animals.
00:59:42Uncle Giovanni?
00:59:48Couldn't I stay in the stables?
00:59:51I will work harder.
00:59:52No, Giuseppe.
00:59:53Just pick up stay.
00:59:54Obedience, Giuseppe, is the control rule.